For the girls
- Grey skirt
- White blouse with monogram pocket
- White socks and black school shoes
For the boys
- Grey shorts for classes KG to 2
- Grey trousers for classes 3 to 12
- White shirt with monogram pocket
- White socks and black school shoes
For the games
- Grey school t-shirt and a suitable trousers on Saturdays.
- House t-shirt for the games.
- Sports shoes for the games.
- Parents shall see that their child comes in clean and full uniform.
- Those not in proper Uniform shall not be allowed in class without the permission of the principal.
- Boys should have a clean hair-cut. They are not allowed to keep any kind of fancy hair style.
- Girls should have their hair tied up neatly. They are not allowed to keep them open or any kind of fancy hair-styles.
- Students are advised to have their nail trimmed regularly.
- Students are prohibited to wear any valuables such as jewellery or ornaments in the school.
House System
- For the games, the students are divided into four houses to encourage competitiveness among the students.
- The captains are the leaders of the house and they are responsible for the discipline, study and games of the students.
- House points are given for the games they play and good grades in studies.
- This trains them in democracy, leadership and responsibility.
- Games are compulsory from Classes Eight onwards. They must come back in the evening for 2 periods of the class followed by one hour games.
- Students will have to buy School grey t-shirt and House colour t-shirt from the school.