Rules of the school
Refinement of manners, respect for superiors, habit of obedience, order, neatness of the person and dress and punctuality are required at all time.
The students should behave properly on the way to and from school. Any persistence unruly behavior will entail dismissal.
Students should make maximum effort to speak only in English in the school premises.
No student should leave the school premises for any reason during school hours without the permission of the Principal.
The parents should not claim any compensation for the child’s property damaged or lost in school.
Students should stay quietly in the classes and talk in class only with the teacher’s permission. They shall diligently do their lessons and homework. Marks are given for these.
Parents cannot ask for leave once the day scholar student comes to school.
Parents can meet teachers at the recess time at 10:25 a.m. On no accounts are they allowed to meet the teachers in class, or during class time.
The Principal is available to meet the parents between 10:45 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. on school days, other times only by previous appointment.
The last two pages of the test book can be used by the teachers and parents to communicate with each other about the child’s progress and problems.
A copy of the program for the whole year is sent to the parents. They are requested to follow this in directing their child’s work.
Absentees shall be allowed in class only on producing a leave letter from the parent signed by the Principal.
It is the duty of the students to keep their classroom desks and school compound neat and clean.
Day scholars should not act as agents for boarders nor shall any boarder ask any day scholar to bring any thing for them.
The Principal must approve all books, magazines, etc. brought in the school before they are circulated among the students.
No student is allowed to bring any electronic device like MP3 players, mobile phone, camera etc in to the school campus.
Reporting in the school on the opening day at the appointed time is important. The reason for non-compliance is to be intimated in writing to the Principal before the expiry of the deadline. (A fine of Rs.100/-per late day will be charged before re-admission.)